
LUXURY BLOG Regulations

§1 General provisions
1. Definitions of terms appearing in the Regulations:
a) Regulations – this document specifying the rules for maintaining and using the website (hereinafter: Blog) LUURY BLOG.PL located at the Internet address run by its Owner, enabling its free use, posted on internet domain, including the materials and content contained therein, commenting and quoting materials posted on the Blog.
b) LUXURY BLOG.PL blog – addressed to people who value luxury, describing and reviewing the broadly understood luxury goods market. A blog is also a form of business activity and the texts posted there may be in the form of advertising or promotion.
c) Owner – the owner of the Blog, which is Luxury Products Cylwik Spółka Jawna with its registered office in Białystok at ul. Raginisa 9/10 a, 15-161 Białystok, whose registration files are kept in the District Court in Białystok, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, entered into register of entrepreneurs under KRS number 0000516574, with the tax identification number NIP 5423238705 and REGON number 200869111. The owner is also the Administrator.
d) Opinion – a comment on the material published on the Blog.
e) User – a person using the Blog after registering or logging in; reading or commenting on published entries and Users’ materials and opinions.
f) Guest – a person using the Blog without registering or logging in; only reading published entries and materials and opinions of Users.
2. The name of the Blog, its concept, graphic appearance (layout and composition) as well as entries and materials published by the Owner on the Blog are subject to legal protection.
3. The rights to the Blog as a whole belong to the Owner, and the rights to individual elements of its content may belong to third parties: natural persons, legal persons and other entities whose materials and content are lawfully made available by the Owner on the Blog.
4. The owner consents to the dissemination of materials and content posted on the Blog only provided that, in the place of their publication, a direct internet address to the Blog subpage from which they were reproduced is indicated, along with information about their origin (Blog address). In other cases, including failure to meet the above-mentioned condition: Users of the Blog are not entitled to any distribution, including reproduction, or otherwise making available, selling or otherwise marketing the content of the Blog, either in whole or in part. In particular, they are not permitted to be used in any organized commercial or non-profitable activity without the prior written consent of the Owner.
5. All data published by the Owner on the Blog comes from sources that he considers reliable and verified. The Owner makes every effort to ensure that the materials and content posted on the Blog are up-to-date, accurate and available continuously, but is not responsible for any consequences resulting from the content being outdated, irrelevant, inaccurate or inconsistent with the actual state, as well as their unavailability at any time. including any consequences resulting from any reliance on such materials and content.
6. When using the Blog, it is recommended to have updated anti-virus software. The Owner makes every effort to ensure that the Blog is free from malware, but is not responsible for the consequences of using the Blog arising in the User’s and Guest’s IT system, including technical infrastructure and data.
7. The Owner is not responsible for the legal, financial or any other consequences of the use by the User and Guest of the materials and content posted on the Blog.
8. Owner:
a) is not responsible for disruptions in the functioning of the Blog caused by force majeure, equipment failure or unauthorized interference by Users,
b) is not responsible for the temporary inability of Users to use the Blog functions resulting from changes and improvements in the system. Users will be notified about technical breaks and their duration by posting a message at:

§2 Order regulations
1. Each User and Guest using the Blog is obliged to comply with these Regulations. Each User and Guest undertakes in particular to refrain from any actions that could hinder or disrupt the functioning of the Website and to take any actions to the detriment of the Owner, Users and Guests.
2. The Owner is not responsible for materials and content posted on the Blog from third parties using the Blog (Users), in particular in the form of comments. The Owner’s liability for any damages that may result from Users’ actions taken in connection with the content posted on the Blog is also excluded – to the extent permitted by law.
3. Users can comment on published entries and materials in the appropriate dialog boxes provided under the entries and materials published by the Owner. By publishing opinions on the Blog, the User of the Blog agrees to the Administrator publishing his/her nickname and photo on the Blog under the opinions written by him/her. The comment will appear when approved by the Administrator.
4. By posting materials or content on the Blog, the User declares that he/she holds the copyright to them and authorizes their publication on the website indefinitely and unconditionally.
5. Users are prohibited from:
a) Using usernames (nicknames) that are vulgar, offensive or intended to promote your business or the business of any other entity,
b) Users using words or content generally considered vulgar or offensive in comments posted on the Blog,
c) Conducting discussions whose scope is not related to the subject of the Blog,
d) Insulting, defaming or ridiculing Blog Users or other third parties,
e) Presenting unsolicited commercial information and conducting commercial, advertising, promotional activities, etc.
f) Presenting views prohibited by generally applicable law in Poland, in particular those calling for hatred towards other people, minorities or ethnic groups,
g) Using names and other terms in statements that may violate legally protected personal data or personal rights of other people,
h) Spamming, by posting short content that has no logical connection with the topic of discussion or has no substantive value.
6. Any case of non-compliance with the regulations should be reported to the Administrator at the following address:
7. The Owner reserves the right, through the Administrator:
a) removing or preventing the publication of opinions containing vulgar expressions, generally considered offensive and containing content that is contrary to applicable law, decency or violating the rights of third parties.
b) removing or preventing the publication of opinions containing or constituting advertisements for other business entities, their products or services,
c) removing or preventing the publication of opinions unrelated to the subject of entries and materials published on the Blog.
8. Notwithstanding the above, the Administrator is entitled to remove or prevent publication of opinions that are inconsistent with the Regulations.
9. The User, within the limits specified in the Regulations, has the right to publish his or her own opinions, including those critical of the topic discussed and the opinions of other Users or the Owner. Criticism should be based on facts and supported by substantive arguments.

§3 Service provided electronically
1. In order to properly use the Service provided electronically, the User and Guest should have:
a) connection to the Internet;
b) computer hardware and software with the functionality of a web browser enabling the display of HTML documents on the computer screen, accepting “cookies”, including popular web browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, etc.
2. The service provided electronically consists in providing the User and Guest with all functionalities of the Blog, within the meaning of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services, i.e. performance of the service provided without the simultaneous presence of the parties (remotely), by transmitting data to individual request of the service recipient, sent and received using electronic processing devices, including digital compression, and data storage, which is entirely transmitted, received or transmitted via a telecommunications network within the meaning of the Act of July 16, 2004 – Telecommunications Law. The service provided electronically is free of charge.
3. An agreement for the provision of a Service provided electronically is concluded when the User and Guest start using the Service provided electronically, i.e. by starting to use any functionality of the Blog. The User’s use of the Service provided electronically takes place on the terms specified in the Regulations.
4. The User and Guest may terminate the use of the Service provided electronically at any time. Termination of the contract for the use of the Service provided electronically takes place by ceasing to use the functionality of the Blog. In such a case, the contract for the use of the Service provided electronically terminates automatically without the need to submit additional declarations by the parties.

§4 Final provisions
1. These regulations may be changed at any time by the Owner.
2. The Regulations contain the following annexes, which constitute an integral part thereof:
– Annex No. 1 to the Regulations – Newsletter.
3. The Regulations are available at the Internet address and also – upon request – in a form that allows obtaining, reproducing and recording the content of the Regulations using an IT system, in particular by copying and saving it on the hard drive of the User’s end device or Guest or at the request of the User or Guest by sending it to the e-mail address.
4. Information about each change to the Blog’s regulations will be posted on the Blog’s home page.
5. The Owner reserves the right to a binding interpretation of the content of the Regulations, subject to mandatory legal provisions.
6. Complaints and comments related to the Service provided electronically, regarding the functioning of the Blog and available materials and content, tools and services, should be submitted to the e-mail address:
7. Any disputes arising from the use of the Blog, not resolved amicably, will be resolved by a local court of competent jurisdiction.
8. These regulations and the use of the Blog are subject to Polish law.
9. These Regulations are valid from the date of their announcement.